Chrome oil cap, billet oil filter adapter, mini sump with filter, oil suction kit, billet oil filler tower, full flow remote kit for VW Volkswagen. CHROME OIL CAP
Stock Style oil cap in high quality chrome.
8968 Chrome Stock Style Oil Filler Cap
Billet oil filter adaptor kit
Our polished Billet Oil Filter Adaptor (spinner) comes with all necessary mounting hardware including 3/4" x 16 Nipple. Tapped 1/2" NPT. Compliments the 16-9544 Aluminum Oil Filter. Easily accepts all PH8A style standard oil filters. Also accepts P/N: 9240, 9250, 17-2920, 17-2921, or 17-2922 Spin-On Filters.
16-9513 Billet Oil Filter Adaptor Kit
Mini oil sump kit
Help prevent harmful oil starvation by installing this "mini" sump to increase oil capacity. Kit comes with 3 different size pick-up tubes, studs, nuts, washers, and gaskets. Your existing drain plug can be re-used or use our 8856 magnetic drain plug.
16-9520 Mini Oil Sump Kit
Oil suction kit
This kit provides for constant, and consistent oil pick-up. The supplied sump plate depression keeps the pick-up extension submerged in oil at all times. The built in screen helps to keep harmful particles from reaching vital engine components. This is a great addition to any performance built engine or a little extra help to insure a long engine life.
16-9521 Oil Suction Kit
BIllet oil fill tower w/cap
Use this clean, billet oil fill tower when the alternator has been re-located or not in use. Replaces the alternator stand using existing studs and nuts. Black Anodized Aluminum Cap is included.
16-9525 Billet Oil Fill Tower w/ Cap
Cast aluminum Mini Sump replaces your stock oil screen and cover and offers improved filtration, helps prevent oil starvation during hard cornering. Easy bolt-on installation. Filter design allows for unimpeded oil flow – even if the filter gets plugged. Filter can be cleaned and reused.
17-2872 Mini Sump w/Filter Kit, Each
17-2874 Replacement Filter for 17-2871/17-2872, Each
Everything you need to install a full flow remote oil filter system. Our bolt-on kit requires no machining or engine removal. Includes pump cover, remote filter bracket, oil return adaptor, fittings, hose and hardware.
9252 Full Flow Remote Filter Kit - Bolt-On, Each
